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Kotel na pelete Ferroli SUN PELLET 5, 36 kW

Kotel na pelete Ferroli SUN PELLET 5, 36 kW


Set za pelete FERROLI SUN PELLET 5 set vsebuje:

- Litoželezni kotel FERROLI SUN PELLET 5

- Gorilnik na pelete FERROLI SUN P12 N

- FERROLI zalogovnik 350 lt - cca 280 kg

  • Stock: Na zalogi
  • Znamka: Ferroli
  • SKU: 08.436.002
€ 3,519.42
incl. VAT
Brez DDV: € 2,932.85
DHL Schenker
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Ogrevanje s kotlom na pelete je nov udoben in sodoben način ogrevanja, ki oddaja minimalne škodljive emisije. Gorilnik na pelete, polž in zalogovnik so montirani na kotel na pelete. Peleti - gorivo se vlaga v zalogovnik, kjer preko polža gredo do gorilnika na pelete. Zahvaljujoč modelirnemu sistemu kotel na pelete za dovajanje peletov v gorilnik omogoča maksimalen prihranek goriva in porabi točno toliko, kolikor ga trenutno potrebujemo. Priročnost kotla na pelete je, da ni potrebno dnevno polnjenje goriva, z enim polnjenjem lahko kotel deluje 5-6 dni z minimalnimi odpadki.

SUNPELLET is a new cast iron pellet boiler. The body of the boiler consists of assembled cast elements, the profile of the elements has been carefully designed and allows the optimal distribution of heat achieving high thermal efficiency and significant energy savings. The combustion chamber is fully water-cooled, which ensures long life and high efficiency. SUNPELLET is designed for connection to an external domestic hot water boiler (optional).


  • Boiler body with cast iron elements combined with a blown air burner, complete with an auger for loading and a storage container for pellets (180 kg for mod. 3 and 4 and 280 kg for models 5, 6 and 7)
  • Cast iron boiler with pre-assembled elements
  • Large combustion chamber to guarantee maximum efficiency and the best thermal exchange
  • Removable drawer for easy access to ash collection
  • Ultra compact blown air pellet burner supplied complete with an automatic loading system consisting of a motor and auger, safety thermostat and system delivery probe.
  • The electronic board on the machine can control the boiler/burner system, pellet loading and the main elements of a domestic heating system (system circulator, circulator and/or three-way DHW valve, system delivery sensor and storage tank, room thermostat or remote programmable thermostat).
  • The user interface is characterised by a large display with adjustment keys on the top back of the cover hood, for easy reading and/or adjusting.
  • The burner can be adjusted to operate in single-stage or with two type of flame modulation with 5 power levels



  • ErP Class: A+
  • Emission class EN303: 5
  • Heat input (max / min): 40.6 / 11.3 kW
  • Heat output (max / min): 36.0 / 10.7 kW
  • Efficiency (Pmax): 88.7 %
  • Water content: 34 lt
  • Chamber volume: 88 dm³
  • Minimum chimney draught: 28 Pa
  • Max working pressure: 4 bar
  • Chimney Diameter: 150mm
  • Door Dimensions: 384mm
  • FERROLI Pellet Burner Compatibility - SUN P12N
  • Dimensions (HxWxD): 940 x 520 x 730 mm
  • Weight (empty): 289 kg




The pellet burner of FERROLI, SUN P12 N has advanced new design and innovative technology, of high reliability and construction quality. The compact size and the innovative design, make it one of the best on the market today. Careful design and industrial production allowed the creation of a well-balanced machine with high efficiencies, low CO and NOx emissions and very quiet operation.

Specifications SUN P12 N

  • Heat input (max / min):  55 / 30 kW
  • Combustible capacity (max / min): 11.6 /6.3 kg/h
  • Max Pellet dimensions Ø/length: 6/35 mm
  • Electrical power imput: 100 W
  • Igniter electrical power: 300 W
  • Empty weight: 13.5 Kg
  • Electrical protection rating: IPX0D
  • Burner dimensions (HxWxD): 337 x 250 x 490 mm
  • Feeder dimensions (HxWxD): 950 x 750 x 500 mm
  • Tank dimensions (HxWxD): 950 x 600 x 960 mm



  • Ultra-compact pellet burner supplied complete with automatic loading system consisting of motor and feed screw
  • The electronic board on the machine offers perfect control of the boiler/burner system, pellet loading and the main elements of a domestic heating system (system circulator, circulator and/or three-way DHW valve, system flow sensor and storage tank, room thermostat or remote programmable thermostat)
  • The card's microprocessor recognises what system elements are connected and configures automatically
  • Za uporabniški vmesnik je značilen velik zaslon s tipkami za prilagajanje na zgornji zadnji strani pokrova za enostavno branje in/ali prilagajanje.
  • Gorilnik lahko nastavite na enostopenjsko ali dvostopenjsko modulacijo plamena s 5 stopnjami moči.
  • Standardno ima varnostni termostat za povratek plamena, umerjen na 85 °C
  • Vžig plamena z električnim grelnim elementom in detekcija s foto-uporom
  • Na voljo sta dve različni vrsti izbirnih zabojev za shranjevanje: 180 kg in 280 kg






Dimenzije kotla

Teža (kg) 289
Država izdelave Italija
Globina (mm) 730
Širina (mm) 520
Višina (mm) 940
Garancija 2 Leto
Napajanje (V/Hz) 230/50
Območje toplotnega izhoda (kW) 10.7 - 36
Razred energijske učinkovitosti A+
Volumen ovoja (L) 34
Volumen zgorevalne komore (L) 88
Peletni gorilnik ja
Nadzorna plošča ja
Priporočljivo gorivo Lesni peleti velikosti 6/35 mm
Več nivojev moči ja
Učinkovitost (%) 88.7
Potreben vlek dimnika [Pa] 28
Hladna voda vhod 1 1/2"
Topla voda izhod 1 1/2"
Zaščita pred pregrevanjem ja
Razred kotla v skladu z EN 303-5 5
Posoda za pepel in saje ja
Maksimalni sistemski tlak (bar) 4